Study Overview
The Utah State Legislature allocated funding to the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) to conduct a preliminary study that would evaluate alternatives for extending SR-92 west, over the Jordan River, to improve regional mobility in northwest Utah County.
Update | January 2025
UDOT is currently compiling a summary of the preliminary study, which will be published on this website in early February. The objective of the study was to assess the transportation need for a connection in this area and to explore potential regional solutions to address that need. The summary will include information from the traffic analysis, a high-level review of present conditions, and stakeholder and public outreach completed over the last year. Based on the preliminary findings, the regional benefit to the transportation system is limited, and the study will not advance further.
UDOT recognizes the need for effective transportation planning in this area and will continue to work closely with Lehi City, Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG), Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), and others to identify effective transportation solutions that meet the community's needs.
Potential roadway alignments, routes or end points for the western extension have not yet been determined.